Krishi Vigyan Kendra,
Chandgothi, Churu-331305 (Rajasthan), India
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(Received : 13 June 2020; Accepted : 30 June 2020)
KVK, Chandgothi, Churu (Rajasthan) conducted total 128 Front Line Demonstrations on barley at farmers field in Churu District of Rajasthan during five consecutive years from 2013-14 to 2017-18 in rabi season. The farming situation was irrigated and soil was sandy loam low in nitrogen, medium in phosphorus and medium to high in potash. Assessment of gap was done and on basis of gap assessment, improved recommended technologies of barley cultivation were demonstrated. On overall average basis, 4593 kg/ha grain yield of barley was recorded under demonstration plot while 3735 kg/ha in farmer’s practices. On the basis of five year average, 22.94 per cent higher grain yield was recorded under demonstrations than the farmer’s practices (Local check). The extension gap, technology gap and technology index were 858 kg/ha, -113 kg/ha and -2.49 per cent, respectively. An additional investments of Rs 940 per ha consist with scientific monitoring of demonstration and non–monetary factors resulted in additional return of Rs. 9705 per ha. On five year average basis, incremental benefit : cost ratio was found 10.62.
Key words:Barley, grain yield, economics, technology gap, extension gap