CCS HAU, Regional Research Station, Bawal -123501 (Haryana), India
Forage Section, Department of Genetics & Plant Breeding, CCS Haryana Agricultural University,
Hisar-125004 (Haryana), India
*(e-mail :
(Received : 31 January 2022; Accepted : 17 March 2022)
Oat is highly palatable, nutritious and energy rich fodder and can be fed to animals either in the form of green fodder or after converting into good quality hay/silage. Farmers’ participatory front line demonstrations on integrated crop management (ICM) practices and traditional method of sowing as farmers’ practice (FP) were conducted during Rabi (2016-17 to 2018-19) under CCS, HAU, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Fatehabad and Jhajjar, Haryana. The study reveals that on an average 584 q/ha green fodder yield of oat (Multi-cut fodder oat variety HJ 8) was recorded under ICM as compare to 526 q/ha in FP which was 11.03 per cent higher over that of the FP. The pooled value of extension gap, technology gap and technology index was to the tune of 58, 66 q/ha and 10 percent, respectively. The data on economic parameters reveals that a net return of Rs. 21346 per ha was in ICM compare to Rs.14940 per ha in FP. The benefit-cost (B:C) ratio was figured 1:1.49 and 1:1.34 in ICM and FP, respectively, suggesting the higher profitability and economic viability of the technology demonstrated.
Key words: Oat, ICM, green fodder yield, gap analysis, economics and BC ratio