AICRP on Forage Crops and Utilization
Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri-413 722 (M. S.), India
*(e-mail: shivajidamame@gmail.com)
(Received : 29 October 2022: Accepted : 20 February 2023)
The present experiment was carried out to evaluate the proximate composition and fodder quality of various grasses and legumes at different growth stages. Among the four grasses evaluated for proximate principles, Marvel recorded the highest per cent, nitrogen free extract, ether extract, total minerals and the lowest crude fibre content. It also recorded the highest per cent dry matter, in vitro dry matter digestibility, Ca, Mg and Zn with the lowest, neutral detergent fibre, acid detergent fibre and lignin content. Madras anjan grass recorded the highest crude protein content. Among the four legumes evaluated Stylosanthus seabrana recorded the highest per cent crude protein, nitrogen free extract and ether extract with lowest crude fibre content. It also recorded highest per cent dry matter, in vitro dry
matter digestibility, Ca, Mg and Zn with the lowest neutral detergent fibre, acid detergent fibre and lignin. Ran mung or Siratro was the highest in total minerals than other legumes. As regard to growth stages, the per cent dry matter, crude fibre, ether extract, neutral detergent fibre, acid detergent fibre and lignin in grasses as well as legumes were increased with the advancement of growth stages. The crude protein, total minerals, Ca, Mg and Zn and in vitro dry matter digestibility were declined with advancement of growth stages. Among the growth stages studied, forage quality of all fodder grasses and legumes at pre flowering stage was much higher, followed by 50 per cent and post flowering stages.
Key words: Forage grasses and legumes, proximate composition, growth stages