MAP Section, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding
CCS Haryana Agriculture University, Hisar-125004 (Haryana), India
*ICAR-Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, Karnal 132001 (Haryana), India
*(e-mail: verma.dwr@gmail.com)
(Received : 02 November 2024; Accepted : 27 December 2024)
In the present study biplot analysis was carried by using the 21 collections of kasni evaluated for 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2019-20. The results revealed increase in plant height for all the collections as observed from positive values of % change. Recent adaptability measures PRVG and HMPRVG settled for HCI-2, HCI-17, and HCI-3 as far as height of collections are concerned. Maximum change in number of branches had expressed by HCI-20, followed by HCI-19, HCI-17 while least increase exhibited by HCI-21, HCI-9. As per PRVG desirable collections would be HCI-4, HCI-11, and HCI-17 whereas HMPRVG measure settled for HCI-4, HCI-5, and HCI-6. Increase and decrease in seed yield per plot observed for the collections as only 05 collections had been maintained increase in seed yield per plot. Geometric Adaptability Index had expressed suitability of HCI-16, HCI-20, and HCI-19 whereas Harmonic mean measure found HCI-16, HCI-20, and HCI-19 as desirable ones. Biplot analysis observed 83.2% variation in plan height had been accounted by first two significant principal components with 58.6% and 24.6% of respective contributions. HCI-16, HCI-17, HCI-3, HCI-11 accounted by more values for first component whereas, contributions of HCI-7, HCI-20, HCI-6 as observed in second component. More than 91% of the total variation for branches per plant had been accounted by first two significant principal components with 59.3% and 31.7% of respective contributions. Mean, PRVG, GAI, HMPRVG were larger contributors for first while % change, coefficient of variation, 2017-18 & 2016-17 values for the second principal component. Nearly 92.4% of the total variation in seed yield per plot had been accounted by first two significant principal components with respective shares of 69.5% and 22.9%. Collections at vertex HCI-16, HCI-7, HCI-21, HCI-17, and HCI-20 in the biplots have the longest distance from the origin.
Key words: Kasni (Cichorium intybus), germplasm, bioplot analysis