RDS Seed Farm, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125 004 (Haryana), India
CCS HAU Regional Research Station, Uchani, Karnal (Haryana), India
*(e-mail : rajesharya@hau.ernet.in)
(Received : 08 August 2021; Accepted : 22 September 2021)
The field experiments were conducted under two different agro-climatic conditions of Haryana viz. humid conditions of Karnal and semi-arid conditions of Hisar during kharif 2015 to assess the performance of newly developed nine medium-late maturing hybrids of maize. The analysis of variance revealed significant differences among the hybrids for different characters. In humid conditions, X35D601 (14079 kg/ha) followed by Seed tech2324 (13467 kg/ha), PMH-3 (12893 kg/ha) and Bio9637 (12007 kg/ha) were top yielder and significantly superior over the other hybrids. In semi-arid conditions, CP 201 (4813 kg/ha) followed by Bio9681 (4766 kg/ha), PMH-3 (4515 kg/ha) and X35D601 (4073 kg/ha) were significantly superior over the other hybrids. Likewise, on the basis average over the locations, X35D601with an average yield 9076.0 kg/ha was at the top and followed by PMH-3 (8704 .0kg/ha), Seed tech2324 (8159.0 kg/ha) and CP 201 (7955.5 kg/ha). The grain yield mean performance was high in humid conditions (11337.0 kg/ha) as compared to in semi-arid conditions (3634.0 kg/ha). Higher grain yield in humid condition was observed due to more availability of soil moisture and nutrients. Moreover, the genotype Bio 9681 (DSI=0.389) was found drought tolerant and may be utilized in breeding program to develop high yielding drought tolerant genotypes.
Key words:Yield performance, extra-early maturity, maize, hybrids